University level workshop/presentation: 


General banjo/Fiddle duo workshop: 

This workshop will explore the dynamics of a banjo-fiddle duo. We will work on navigating through the sparsity of this configuration, and how to listen, respond, interact, improvise variations, and pick up new tunes on the fly.  We may utilize the master class format to make sure each student or duo has a chance to share what they’ve been working on and get feedback. We encourage students who have never played in a duo format to take this workshop -- this is a great place to explore. We recommend that students are at an intermediate-advanced level on their instrument. 

Grade school workshop/ assembly: 

During this assembly, Allison and Tatiana will perform repertoire from various facets of string band and vocal music from throughout the United States and Canada. Their musical performances will be interspersed with accessible anecdotes about the history of the pieces, how the music came into being and their own personal stories of getting involved with music. Participatory sections may be included with the whole group learning to sing a simple song together.